SuperNormal ADHD Circles

What is a SuperNormal ADHD Circle?

A SuperNormal ADHD Circle is a community of people who have chosen to join a group that meets regularly for personal growth, social activities and to support one another on their ADHD journeys.


”It takes a village to raise a child” is an African proverb meaning that it takes many people (“the village”) to provide a safe, healthy environment for children. Our SuperNormal ADHD Circles are intended to form “a village” that provides a safe, healthy environment for ADHDers to feel secure, develop new skills and find the support necessary to thrive in a neurotypical world.


Each SuperNormal ADHD Circle develops it’s own code of conduct, establishes it’s meet up and check in schedules and chooses it’s own social activities, all with the help of the SuperNormal Facilitators. In person meet ups happen twice a month and virtual check ins are scheduled between the in person meet ups. Each month or cycle has one meet up focused on learning and one centered around a social activity.

Who can join a SuperNormal ADHD Circle?

SuperNormal ADHD Circle members share these core values:

  • Radical Acceptance
  • Empathy
  • Giving/Sharing
  • Participation
  • Active Listening
  • Joy

Are you ready to connect and join your SuperNormal ADHD Circle?

  • Time: Can you dedicate approximately 6-10 hours/month to your ADHD Circle?
  • Engagement: Do you promise to do your best to be fully present at meetups?
  • Group Rules: Are you willing to adhere to the code of conduct created by your ADHD Circle?
  • Commitment: Can you commit to a minimum 6 month membership to your ADHD Circle?

If you share the core values and answered yes to the questions above, then you are ready to join a SuperNormal ADHD Circle!

Meet the SuperNormal Facilitators:

Sarah is a certified ADHD Coach and a co-founder and leader of SuperNormal ADHD Circles. She’s passionate about helping ADHDers to discover and harness their ADHD superpowers.

Michael Ross
Teacher/ADHD Advocate

Michael is a school teacher, ADHD advocate and a co-founder and leader of SuperNormal ADHD Circles. His secret sauce lies in building community and safe spaces through circles.

Derek Moody
Business Consultant

Derek is a business consultant and a co-founder and facilitator of SuperNormal ADHD Circles. He has a wealth of corporate teaching/coaching experience and has co-raised two ADHD children.

Are YOU ready to join a SuperNormal ADHD Circle?

If so, please complete the registration form below and we’ll let you know when the next SuperNormal ADHD Circle that meets your interests is being formed.